7 KEY Tips to Stop Feeling Inadequate TODAY
Does any of this sound familiar? Or do you know someone like this? This is not just one woman…this is so many, many women that I know. I know a woman who is amazing. She is a master leader in her business. She’s really successful everywhere. She is holds volunteer leadership positions. She is an amazingly loving, human, friend, and family member. She takes care of everyone around her. She is an absolute joy and a delight in the world. And the kids today would call her a serious baller. (Baller: adjective INFORMAL•US extremely good or impressive; excellent.) And…deep inside she struggles with feeling she is inadequate despite all her doing, giving, providing and contributes. Deep inside she feels like she’s not enough in some ways. Because she has this quiet background voice in her mind telling her she is inadequate, she has an underlying drive to endlessly do things to prove that she isn’t. This is why she feels compel...