
Showing posts from December, 2019

Why commitment is the hardest part of the weight-loss process and how to make it easy.

Part 1 of a 2 part Series: "Commitment and Self-Love are the hardest parts." "Commitment and Self-Love are the hardest parts." This is what an awesome lady said to me in a FB message exchange last week. We were messaging about the weight-loss journey I'd been on and she commented on how hard work paid off. I commented that it didn't feel so hard when I learned the tools commitment and self-love. And then she said it: "Commitment and Self-Love are the hardest parts." It hit me so profoundly...that statement stuck with me and then... I remembered when I didn't have step-by-step tools to create commitment and self-love and... Dang, that was hard. It's was hard because I didn't understand what was going on with my brain, my body and my emotions. It was hard because everything in human instinct wiring actually has you do the opposite of what works. And I was trying to use only the human survival instinct tools of wil...