
Showing posts from May, 2019

3 Secrets to Stop Emotional Eating & Start Losing Weight Today

Hi beautiful friends, I've been thinking a lot this week about you. I've been thinking about the heavy feeling (often guilt & shame) you carry when your brains are beating you up for not figuring out how to lose weight. I see you. I hear you. I feel you. I've been there. And this is totally solve-able. You can do this. >>>CLICK HERE NOW TO DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE GUIDE TO STOP EMOTIONAL EATING TODAY<< < Here are 3 Secrets to Stop Emotional Eating & Start Losing Weight Today. SECRET 1: START WITH COMPASSION FOR OURSELVES We start with compassion in looking at ourselves & where we are at. Compassion may sound like a fluffy word to some, but it is crucial.  We will NEVER create lasting change by beating ourselves up. We cannot beat or shame ourselves into lasting change. It's just not how the brain works. We have to choose to look at our behaviors and our thoughts as data.  I invite you to take a look from the...

2 Secrets to Stop Feeling like "Life is too much to handle" or "I'm failing" or I'll never find love or acceptance"

I SEE YOU CLICK THE "SCHEDULE APPOINTMENT"  BUTTON BELOW TO SCHEDULE YOUR  FREE COACHING CALL WITH ME TODAY Schedule Appointment Dear friend, I see you.   I have been there. I emotionally ate when life felt like it was "too much to handle" or when I felt like I failed or like I'd never find love or acceptance in whatever situation I was in. When we emotionally eat, it's just a surface act to avoid feeling the emotions of what's happening in our lives & underneath the surface. When you feel like life is too much to handle, it's OK to feel that & you there are tools to process it through so you don't get stuck there (and have it take you out of life and gain weight). When you feel like you've failed as a friend, parent, sister, employee, partner, it's OK to feel that & there are tools to process it through so you don't get stuck in downward cycles of anxiety or guilt or shame (and hav...


Hi beautiful friends! I talk a lot of about our emotional health when I post because it directly correlates to the things we choose to do with our emotions. And because it is MY PASSION. Many people seek to avoid our emotions with food. Many people seek to avoid our emotions with work. Many people seek to avoid our emotions with NetFlix, Facebook Instagram. Many of us seek to avoid our emotions by shopping. Anything to avoid feeling an emotion.  All avoiding emotions does is mask our true selves.  It hides and masks our inner beauty, love, and gifts in the metaphorical cave.  It keeps us hiding behind hurts. It keeps us hiding behind shame of eating all those brownies. It keeps us telling ourselves that we can't be better or change. It keeps us telling ourselves that we can never lose the weight or it's impossible. It keeps us from loving ourselves and from having confidence in ourselves. It keeps us from not trusting ourselves. And thi...


This experience on this planet is fascinating. The experience we have with our own brains is fascinating. Part of this experience entails going through things that leave impressions big & small & that have us draw conclusions about how life works, how it's supposed to work and about how we work and are "supposed to work". When we are on this weight-loss journey, which really is so much more than weight-loss, we often don't realize that the reason some of us have extra weight on our bodies is because we are eating to avoid painful feelings AND we subconsciously keep the weight on as a protection or an armor. The extra weight has become armor & a protection against hurt and a part of "who we think we are".  It has become a subconscious way for us to not put ourselves out in the world in ways that would "hurt us emotionally". OUR WEIGHT CAN BE LIKE ARMOR THAT  CAN BE LIKE ROBBING OUR TRUE IDENTITY It...