Learning to Make the Decision To Commit To Yourself, Will Change Your WHOLE Life & Help You Lose the Over-40 Weight

When you see the power of learning to make decisions to be fully committed to take care of yourself instead of being afraid and full of self-doubt, your WHOLE LIFE WILL CHANGE

And I want to tell you, with her permission,  about one of my clients, Sarah, who learned this specific process and whose life has already changed dramatically in just about 3 months...

Sarah was overwhelmed, even consumed...for years by such painful thoughts around her weight and her body and food...

It affected her sense worth in some instances...

It affected how she felt in many of her relationships...

She was and is a rock-star woman in her life and yet she struggled quietly inside, deeply inside with such painful thoughts and belief systems around herself, her weight, her body and food...

And it hurt A LOT...

She was afraid she wouldn't be able to change...

She was afraid nothing would work...

She had tried some things to lose the weight in the past and it ended up in more pain...

But she chose courage...

And she didn't give up...

She chose to make the decision to commit to herself and figure it out...and she reached out to me.

Her message to me said: "I need help."

These words are the first part of the making the decision to commit to taking care of you instead of being afraid and full of self-doubt...

And these words, although difficult to say for many people are the most empowering, life-changing words that will start the journey to real long-term growth and change...

"I need help" are the words that she used to start her journey to make the decision to commit to herself to figure this out, heal once and for all and Stop Emotional Overeating and Lose Weight for Good. 

On our first initial consult call, I heard all her fear, I heard all her self-doubt, I heard all the pain from all the years of trying, failing, struggling and beating herself up...

And it CAN feel terrifying...I know...it's actually normal...and that's OK because...

THERE REALLY ARE simple, specific, step-by-step tools that calm the worry, fear, doubt and calm the noise and pain of it all so that she was able to calm the noise and pain in her mind around it all, and not only start losing weight, but healing EVERYTHING in her life...

And the most important tool we started with was learning to make decisions to be committed instead of trying to make decisions from being afraid or from feeling self-doubt...


Her change started happening because she made a decision to commit to believe she could and would heal and figure this out...

Her change started happening because she made the decision to be committed to be "all in" to learn the tools with me and do ALL the work I prescribed for her even when the work felt challenging or she didn't quite understand...

And her change started to happen because she made the decision to figure out a way to pay for it...and she just made it happen even though she wasn't sure how she would at first...

And her change is continuing to happen because she makes decisions to be committed to herself and her growth instead of afraid or doubting herself every single day...

And because she's making the decisions to be committed to herself each day...

In just under 3 months, not only has she lost weight, but she's started to completely change and heal parts of her mind, body AND LIFE in a way that she never thought could be possible...

Want to hear what those changes are?

Here you go: 

She realized how much of her day, her time and her brain and mental energy was consumed with planning to eat, cooking, eating, thinking about her next meal etc. 

She realized that she was using large quantities of soda, treats and food to fill and numb the stress and loneliness of having 7 kids, a full load of piano students and a husband whose job was taking him out of town for days on end.... 

She realized by planning her meals a day or week in advance, not eating unless she was truly hungry, cutting off her dependency on sugar, flour and soda, she had A LOT MORE TIME IN HER DAY.

She realized that now that she had this new free time, she  was still lonely because she needed to fill up her soul with meaningful things instead of treats...

And with more coaching, she realized she had a house full of kids eager to spend time with her and she now chooses purposefully to use the newly freed up time and mental energy to connect with her kids throughout the day...

And this has had a ripple effect that now when she needs some quiet alone time at night, she no longer feels guilty for asking for it...because she connected with the kids in meaningful ways on purpose throughout the day...

I love this quote she sent me: 

"Before life coaching I just always felt so drained I didn't feel like I had much to give my kids. 

Now I have the mental capacity to really talk to and enjoy my kids one on one, listening to them and playing with them!

Another problem I was having was snacking late at night when my kids were in bed. It felt like a reward for getting through my day. 

When I decided to stop snacking and let myself actually feel my feelings instead of numbing them out with sugar it also left lots of time for myself. I can do anything I want with my alone time: I can read, draw, watch a movie uninterrupted, call a friend, yoga...anything!

If you would have told me that just changing my relationship with food would have simplified my daily life and helped my relationship with my kids I would have done it a long time ago." 

And this IS JUST the beginning of Sarah's story...

What could be possible for you by making the decision to commit to yourself instead of being afraid or staying in self-doubt?

What is it costing you to not make the decision to commit to yourself?

What is it costing you to doubt yourself or be afraid?

The process I help people with is NOT just about losing physical weight. It's a holistic process that helps you lose the emotional weight that causes the physical weight to creep up.

It's a holistic process that calms the noise in your mind, heart, soul & cells...

And it is possible for you to learn to make the decision to commit to yourself and make what you most want a reality too.

Have a wonderful week.


p.s. You can start today to learning the powerful process to make decisions to commit to yourself instead of being afraid and full of self-doubt.  If you're ready CLICK HERE TO SET UP YOUR FREE COACHING CONSULT CALL NOW.


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