"What is happening to me?
So much pain.
My knees are killing me.
Both my feet hurt so badly with shooting pain that I don't know which foot to put the boot the doctor gave me.
I'm crying in pain because my body hurts so badly and the doctors aren't sure why.
I can't stop gaining weight.
I'm falling apart, is this really what life after 40 is going to be like, it's too painful to live like this any more..."
This is how I felt when I was in my early 40's.
I was exasperated and honestly at war with body because it had gained 65 lbs.
I was punishing my body with food addiction and bitter self-talk and mad that it wasn't responding the way I wanted it to.
"How dare my body do this to me," I thought.
And it wasn't working to continue to fight and be angry at my body or myself.
I came to this breaking point over time...
But things didn't change until I decided to start looking for the ways I could love and cherish my body and therefore, me.
I decided to start looking for ways I could make peace with my body and listen to it as if it was a sweet child in my care.
I decided that my body, is a sweet loving being, in my care, and that it is an entity that SO wants to love and serve me well, and I just didn't know how to listen or speak to it yet.
And this made all the difference.
I waved the white flag of peace to my body.
I laid down my weapons of angry self-talk, albeit slowly, I started laying them down one by one.
And I started to ask myself how I could hear, pay attention to and care for my body like I would a small child I loved.
I decided to make small deposits of love, just like a bank account, into my body reserve.
And this looked like telling myself gently the following:
"I'll do 10-15 minutes of Zumba today, I don't need to do the whole hour and it's OK to stop when my feet, knees or hips start to hurt." (And I used to be a Zumba instructor who did HOURS of Zumba a week.)
"I'm going to take one small step to practice slowing down when I eat and put my fork down between bites."
And then I hired a coach.
Then it turned into telling myself gently:
"I believe that I can figure this out."
"My body will be strong again, active again, full of live and vibrancy again."
So I kept putting small deposits of loving thoughts, nourishing food and loving movement into my body.
I didn't spend tons of hours in the gym. I walked, I went to Zumba because it made me happy to dance and I left as soon as I hurt...and then eventually, I didn't hurt any more and could stay the whole class.
Was it easy, no, but it was a lot easier doing it from choosing to love and listen to my body instead of being angry and at war with it.
And then I started to tell myself even more empowering things like:
"Wow, my body is feeling better, my joints and feet aren't aching like they used to, my body is releasing weight...I wonder what else I could be capable of...I'm really figuring this out, this is so exciting..."
So then I added a weight-training class to my regimen. I like classes, I don't like going out on the gym floor, I like someone telling me what to do and then I like to leave. So I choose to do things I like.
It was a process of slowing down, learning to listen to my body and honor it as a wise entity that really did want to love me and serve me...and it was just patiently waiting until I started to listen and love.
And now we are best friends.
We are partners, not enemies.
I truly love my body and my mind.
And I've chosen to continue to love it even thought the wrinkles are getting more pronounced, I've chosen to be in a loving relationship and speak kindly with my body.
And this is what changed everything.
I wish for you a loving, harmonious relationship with your mind and your body.
Have a wonderful weekend.
I love you.
p.s. If you're ready to learn the specific step-by-step process to love, listen to and be in partnership with your body to lose the over-40 weight, CLICK HERE TO SCHEDULE YOUR COACHING STRATEGY CALL now.
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